Boxford Farms Raspberries
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Most of our work is piecework, which means that you will be paid for the amount of fruit that you actually pick. There will be targets set daily for each field or crop.

All of our seasonal workers receive a minimum of £11.44 per hour. However, there are opportunities to earn much more than this if you are a ‘top picker’! 

You will accrue 28 days of holiday per year, pro-rata, which you can take if you wish, and any remaining holiday entitlement will be paid to you when you finish work. Any workers with us for at least 3 months will be automatically enrolled into a pension scheme.

We can also help you obtain a National Insurance Number and open a bank account that your wages can be paid into.


It can be cold on the farm, so suitable sweaters are strongly recommended. Please also bring suitable working clothes, gloves, boots, strong shoes and wet weather gear. You will need these as we work whatever the weather.